When to Contact a Crematorium to Arrange Direct Cremation

How soon you should contact a crematorium depends on the scenario. We’re explaining when you should contact a crematorium to arrange a direct cremation.
Different Times to Contact a Crematorium
Different Times to Contact a Crematorium

When a person dies there are a lot of things to arrange that need to be timed right and coordinated. One of the biggest tasks is arranging the disposition. This is an absolute must even if the family doesn’t plan on holding any in-person funeral services. And if you’re the next of kin, you’re legally obligated to handle disposition arrangements in most cases. 

In terms of funeral arrangements, there are actually a lot of different scenarios. The current situation is going to dictate when you should contact a crematorium to arrange direct cremation services

Contact the Crematorium at Your Convenience If You’re Making Direct Cremation Arrangements in Advance

More people are choosing to make funeral arrangements in advance so there aren’t any time constraints and no pressure of making decisions last minute. Plus, it ensures that you get exactly what you want for your funeral services. 

There are also possible financial benefits to making funeral arrangements in advance. Our direct cremation service is about the most affordable disposition you’re going to find. Most funeral services are $1,000-10,000 depending on what’s involved. You may also be able to arrange a payment plan with the funeral home so you can pay for the services over time. 

Contact Funeral Homes Soon If a Loved One is Entering Hospice Care

When a person enters hospice care the statistics aren’t good. The Journal of Palliative Medicine published a study that found 90% of people who enter hospice care die within 6 months. Of those, about 50% of people die within 3 weeks and 37% die within 1 week of entering hospice care. 

This is a time when your loved one can express what they want for their disposition and funeral services. You can help them make arrangements by notating their wishes, assisting with the research and contacting funeral service providers. 

Consider Contacting Funeral Homes Now If a Loved One Has a Life-Threatening Injury or Illness

If a loved one has been given a bad prognosis, you may want to consider reaching out to a few funeral homes to inquire about funeral services if they should be needed. No one wants to think that their loved one won’t pull through and recover. Making inquiries doesn’t mean you’re expecting the worst. It simply means you’re preparing for the worst. 

If nothing else, this is the time to ask about a last will and testament. You can review it to see if there are any funeral service directives. If so, it can provide direction for which funeral service provider to contact.

Immediately Contact a Funeral Home or Crematorium After a Death Occurs Unexpectedly

Many people die unexpectedly every day. Their families are caught completely off guard, which can leave little time for making funeral service arrangements. Very quickly, usually within the first 24 hours, you’ll need to arrange transport for the body to a crematorium or funeral home. That means you’ll need to contact a funeral home or crematorium within hours of the death. 

Direct Cremate can help in any instance. We provide streamlined direct cremation services that are easy to arrange whether you are doing advanced planning for yourself or unexpectedly handling matters as the next of kin. 

We can be reached by phone or text 24 hours a day.
