Comparison of Different Types of Cremation

Did you know there are different types of cremation? Learn about the various cremation methods and what makes each option a unique service.
Difference Between Different Types of Cremation
Difference Between Different Types of Cremation

With so many different forms of cremation being developed, choosing a disposition option can be confusing these days. But are they basically all the same? Is one type of cremation better than another? 

Let’s talk about all the different types of cremation that exist and how they differ from one another. You’ll probably find that one form of cremation meets your needs better than the others. 

Direct Cremation – The Simplest and Most Straightforward Cremation

At Direct Cremate we specialize in something called direct cremation. Direct cremation is a form of disposition that is becoming increasingly more common. It is by far the simplest and most straightforward type of cremation, and for this reason it is also the most affordable option. 

Flame incineration is typically used with direct cremation. The body is put in the retort, which is then heated between 1,400-2,000͒ Fahrenheit. The body tissue is incinerated leaving behind the bones, which are used to create the cremains. 

There are no funeral services to arrange with direct cremation. It’s called direct because the funeral home goes right to preparing the body for the cremation rather than funeral services first. It’s used by many families that want to have an end of life ceremony with the cremated remains in place of services at the funeral home.

Traditional Cremation – The Expensive Cremation

Do you want full-service funeral services but prefer cremation over burial? With a traditional cremation there are funeral services prior to the cremation. It’s the most expensive form of cremation strictly because of the funeral services. The latest data from the National Funeral Directors Association puts the average cost of a traditional cremation at $6,280.

Water Cremation – The Eco-Friendly Cremation

If lowering your funeral service carbon footprint is the top priority, then water cremation might be of interest. It’s considered one of the most environmentally friendly types of disposition because it uses less energy and resources compared to traditional cremation and burial.

Instead of using incineration that can cause air pollution and carbon emissions, water cremation uses an alkaline solution that’s heated in a pressurized chamber. The body tissue dissolves leaving only the bones behind for the cremated remains just like flame-based cremation.

Dry Cremation – A Poorly Named Type of Burial

Disposition comes in many forms. Some are well-known and widely used. Others are considered unconventional and experimental at best. Dry cremation, also known as promession, is a type of disposition that falls in the latter group. 

The odd thing is, dry cremation isn’t actually cremation at all. At least not in the traditional sense. Instead of flame incineration or heated, pressurized water a freeze-drying technique is used. The freeze-drying removes all liquid in the body, making it brittle. Within a specialized machine the remains are shaken to grind it into a powder. The powder is then put in a container and buried. 

Want to know more about direct cremation? Give us a call or text to learn more or arrange direct cremation services.
